Love as a Sneeze
With nostrils flared
Quivering in my own perceptions
My love, I sneeze you
Far and wide
Professing the depths of my congestion
I lace my foods
With spices to entice
Your fancy to entertain
I think of ways
To extend thee, sneeze
Your presence to maintain
I turn my head
I look to the light
To win your undying devotion
I feel myself
Swell again from within
Then extol you with commotion
My love, my unexpected
Miracle of the moment
You constrict my every movement
My love, my unintended
I smear my belt
Proclaiming my achievement
Then when I am done
Truely done with you
I gather you up inside
A lace edged shroud
A worthy patronage
Awaiting your return, I then bide.