I write stories
Personifications of real life
Real circumstances
Real characters
Distilled down into
Quaint and fanciful
Others wrote stories
“The Little Prince”
Handed off to a friend
One week off the press
With a “Read this, it’s quite grand”
Followed by an exit, never to return,
Or so they say, in the
Politicians write stories
Us vs. Them
You all must go defend
You must give up your own lives
In order for us to have ours
In the name of our fabricated
Society writes stories
Of how cheap life becomes
The longer it is spun
Which is why you all must buy
This and that for a longer one
Extend til you’re no longer wanted
Then sit on a park bench recounting
How many stories are lost
Amid others’ stories enforced?
What gives some stories precedence?
Setting the table for dinner
Over a new idea uncovered
Or public programming scheduled
Over thoughts of purpose recovered?
By cindy